

After watching this video and looking for some takeout, decided to order a bunch of burgers from McDonald’s. It was 6 burgers to be exact: 2 cheese, 2 tasty cheese (like regular cheese but with lettuce instead of pickles) and 2 Big Macs.

I managed to eat all cheeseburgers and one Big Mac before needing a break. That was ~1800 kcal total. Finished the last Big Mack 30-60 minutes later. Afterward, I felt my heart pumping harder. Something I didn’t feel in a long time and never from this small volume of food. Also, insulin kicked in and I got so sleepy so I had to take a nap.

Regarding burgers, they were dry as fuck. I nearly choked. Drank almost 1L of water while eating. If it was soda I would probably eat even less due to additional sugar. That classic McDonald’s taste I remember was very very weak. Maybe I didn’t get the freshest burgers and 30min. delivery time added to it. Bread and meat were entirely tasteless and the sauce felt like a drop in the desert. And this isn’t a post-eating self-hate impression. I felt that way on the first burger (but too stupid to quit). Post-meal, I felt like shit. I think it also added to my depression the next day.

Looking at money for calories this was a good bargain (as most junk food usually is). Looking from experience satisfaction and post-meal feeling this was a huge fucking mistake. I think I’m done with McDonald’s for the next decade until I forget this ordeal.

Calorie count

Item kcal
Tasty Cheese 354,7
Tasty Cheese 354,7
Cheeseburger 298,4
Cheeseburger 298,4
Big Mac 498
Big Mac 498
Total 2301,2